Columbia NMR MAG RES
Spectrometer Reservation Sytem
Help Notes

The Columbia NMR Spectrometer Schedules and Calendars may be accessed ONLY by authorized users.

Reserving and Unreserving time:

  1. If the time when the schedule was last updated on your browser (the time shown in red at the top of the schedule) is not very recent, then click on Refresh Schedule to reload the most recent schedule.
  2. To reserve/unreserve time, you MUST type in your Login and PassWord (PW).
  3. To sign up for time, click on the square next to the time period that you want to reserve. Time periods start at the time specified in the left column and last for 10 minutes.
  4. To cancel your reservation, click on the square next to your name for the time period that you want to unreserve. You may NOT cancel reservations made by other users. Time periods start at the time specified in the left column and last for 10 minutes.
  5. You may reserve/unreserve the entire "clock hour" (e.g., 8am-8:59am) by clicking on the button in the right column. To reserve parts of two different clock hours, click on the individual 10-minute time period buttons.
  6. You may also type in the START and END time of your request at the beginning of the schedule. Accepted times are "1:00" to "1:09" in 9-minute increments.  This will reserve the full 10-minute time slot from 1 to 1:10.  The next user will begin at 1:10.   Also specify "add" or "delete", and "am" or "pm". For example, the following request will reserve the entire evening (until 7:59 the next morning):
  7. add delete
    START: 8:00 pm
    END: 7:59 am

  8. To submit your schedule request, click on Submit Request.
  9. The schedule program will ACCEPT your request and show you the new schedule, or it will REJECT your request and explain why this occured.

Reasons why your schedule request can be REJECTED:

Other Features: